Children Are The Hope, Inc. (CATH) is a non-profit, 502(c)(3) organization based in beautiful South-central Wisconsin. While formally incorporated in 2010, CATH’s international children’s programming has been in full swing since the late 1990s. Over the years, CATH has engaged thousands of young people in Wisconsin and partner countries, creating bridge between global youth communities though cultural exploration, environmental education, self-discovery, and the creative multitudes of the mind.
CATH aims to weave together cross-cultural stories based in all aspects of humanity, nature and the global village. We envision a world where working together to find solutions to the most challenging of social issues is the norm, and our planet’s young minds are engaged and heard.
By finding ourselves and writing our own proverbial stories, we inately find ourselves connected to the rest of the world. As in nature, all are one.
John Muir put this ideal well…
“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.”
No matter the language we speak, the clothes we wear, the foods we eat, the government that guides us, the faith we celebrate… we all float on this remarkable, colorful, moving ball together.
And art celebrates that connectivity in ways nothing else can. A true Universal Language, visual art speaks to us- to our hearts and minds. Through CATH, students in grades 4-6 participate in an academic year-long program model that includes the exploration of CATH’s partner countries and cultures, connections to the natural world, conversations linking who we are as individuals to the greater global community, and cooperative learning and teaching. Culminating with an exchange of visual art creations with partner countries, CATH students realize they matter. They can change the world.
They are the HOPE.
For more information on our program model, partners, scope and sequence, and vision please explore our site or contact us at any time. Thank you for sharing in the CATH journey.
So please…
Lift us up.
Support us.
Become a part of us.
Be the HOPE.